Come on Mission With Us to the Amazon Basin!

Exotic places have fascinating people. The people however are sometimes oppressed by the majority population. Partners International has partnerships in these places. Mobilizing committed and contextual indigenous-led Christian ministries is bringing hope and change.

We invite you to travel from November 15-30, 2013 to some of the last untouched and fascinating parts of the world; the Amazon headwaters and the Alti-plano of Bolivia. Learn how Christian service is being provided to people who often live in poverty and who commonly experience oppression and discrimination.


Our Peruvian partner, MINAP is working in the great rainforest of the Amazon Basin. Tribal people themselves, they know the plight of the races making up the inhabitants of the deep jungle. They seek to preserve the Church, mobilize trained and committed Indians who live and travel rivers and under the forest canopy to preserve lives, dignity and provide contextual teaching that relates to the challenges faced by tribal people.

Our Bolivian-based partner, The Quechua Literacy Program, is found on the second highest altitude inhabited plateau on earth. Here our partners serve illiterate and impoverished Quechua people through holistic ministry rooted in adult literacy as the key tool for transformation.

The trip has two tracks:



Traveling through Lima, Peru everyone will visit the jungle city of Pucallpa to meet the Indian missionaries at their conference.One additional day will be spent flying to jungle village to see the work first-hand. Some of the team will then stay on to work on the development of a property in building housing for those who will provide oversight of the new training facility and income generation project.

The conference is key to the organization as the workers are so distant from one another –literally weeks of river travel and so, rarely have the opportunity to be encouraged, challenged and to have a sense of organizational identity. The buildings are urgently required to protect the newly acquired property from land-squatter encroachment.


Siembra zanahoria 25 mayo sucreOur intent is to have some of the group go on to Bolivia rather than to remain in Pucallpa. Visiting the Quechua communities where there is great need, but increasingly great hope, is a fabulous opportunity to understand how transformation happens through Christian service.

If you’re interested in joining us on this trip from November 15 – 30, 2013, visit the link below and select “Peru” as the trip you are interested in.


Come on Mission with Us!

Note: Due to the realities connected with these locations only travellers in good health can engage with this opportunity.