Gospel in Nepal
Despite new restrictions criminalizing religious conversion, God is at work, and Christianity is spreading.
Pastors and church planters see a rich harvest is ready but are also experiencing real challenges.
In a culture that remains deeply resistant, new Christians are desperate for Bibles, discipleship, and a community that offers opportunities to connect with other followers and helps nurture their faith.
Lacking discipleship, many new believers are discouraged, and some walk away from their faith. We don’t want a single person who responded to the gospel to fall away.
Please help support the growing Nepalese church. Our partners need your support with tangible things like access to transportation and more Bibles to strengthen growing congregations.
Together, we can help ensure the gospel seed is planted in rich soil.
Now is the time to invest in new believers and help them to grow deep roots in their faith. Now is the time to encourage and equip Christian leaders to sustain this exciting movement of God in Nepal.
What an exciting time to partner with God’s work! Join the movement and become part of the gospel story unfolding in Nepal!