Christian Witness


Equipping Leaders with Transportation


So much of our work around the world involves navigating complex logistics to reach unreached people groups. In Nepal, our local leaders have to cro...

Training Leaders to reach the unreached


Nabin was a newly baptized young man who had come to our training centre in Nepal. His parents are not Christians and he was the only believer from ...

This Christmas season we are celebrating our local leaders.


When we think about Christian workers in ministry we often reference Luke 10:2: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord o...

Protected: A story of persecution: Pakistan


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Protected: A story of persecution: Thailand


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A Prayer for Afghanistan from Afghanistan


This Sunday (November 7) the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. In preparation for Sunday, we wanted to share with you a prayer ...

God’s New Plans for 2021


BY DARREN DEGRAAF As we exit 2020 and enter 2021, many of us look forward with tempered optimism to a better year ahead.  The global pandemic and l...

Stained Walls and Hurting Hearts


Stained Walls and Hurting Hearts  BY DAVID HUNT As the people read aloud from a Bible in the Quechua language, one person responded, “What...

A Journey of Transformation: EMAF’s National Leaders Planting Seeds of Change


My name is José Roberto Gonçalves, but I’m also known as “Melo”. I was born in 1970, in the southernmost tip of the state of São Paulo, Bra...

Discovery Trip: So little, and yet so much!


I recently participated in my first Discovery Trip leaving Toronto on a Friday at 5:30pm. There was a layover in Lima and we finally made it to Puca...