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Reflecting on the start of this global pandemic, have you used your time and resources to give hope and bless others? Or like many, have you wrestled with generosity in this season?
COVID-19 has had spiralling effects on the grand scale of our socioeconomic landscape, which consequently impacts our daily normal. Protocols have helped minimize the spread of the virus, but they have also contributed to both institutional and personal financial downturns. In this season of declining budgets and monetary instability, it is easy—and perhaps, reasonable—to put the needs of the global church on hold to meet our own.
Scripture, however, reminds us of a much different posture. Hebrews 13:16 reads, “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices, God is pleased.”
Despite these financially challenging times, God calls us to bless those in most need, using whatever resources and talents we have, not to be anxious. In Mark 12, Jesus affirms the widow’s gift over other larger gifts given out of a surplus. The woman’s offering was small, yet it was given out of her poverty, from what she lives on. This type of sacrificial giving is the standard of generosity that Christ has set for us.
Extraordinary generosity
Indigenous people in Peru have continuously experienced suffering and hardship. This pandemic has only magnified the harsh realities they face. “They live in crowded conditions on the peripheries of cities and are victims of exclusion by the government.”¹ Many indigenous people live without proper sanitation, sewer service and running water.¹ These conditions are detrimental to people who have limited access to healthcare. In addition, indigenous families usually depend on daily income. With layoffs and inflation, people can no longer afford to pay for food or rent.
Despite these realities, our international partner in Peru is on the frontlines sharing the love and hope of Christ open-handedly. They, too, experience the negative impacts of COVID-19. Yet, they are distributing food packages, out of the little they have, to vulnerable people who are starving and in desperate need. Our ministry partner is using God’s provision to bless their community with hope, aid, and relief. Their service to people in need has, in turn, gained the respect and trust of the people who are now open to hearing the good news of Jesus.
Like the widow, our partners in the field do not have a surplus of tangible resources, but they respond selflessly to the struggles of others.
COVID-19 is challenging for all of us. But despite our own financial struggles, being self-isolated and having our freedom curtailed, God is calling us to shift away from our fears and uncertainty. Instead, let’s support those around our world who are in desperate need, now more than ever.