The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is located at the centre of a geopolitically sensitive region in South Asia and has the second largest population of Muslims in the world. Islam is the official religion of the country as its constitution has been built on the law of the Quran and Sunnah. Though the flag that waves for Pakistan is considerate of religious minorities in the country, the reality is that Christian beliefs are viewed as unconstitutional and are often not accepted in the Pakistani context. Overall, Christians in Pakistan are marginalized.

In recent years, Pakistan has made headlines due to the unsettling rise in Christian persecution within the country. The oppression is particularly severe for Muslim converts who profess their faith publicly. We have seen the enforcement of the blasphemy law and its severe impact on Christians within Pakistan’s borders. This law gives Muslim authorities the power to fine, imprison and even put to death those who have opposing beliefs. You may remember the story of Asia Bibi, a Christian Pakistani woman who faced the death penalty and served nearly a decade in prison after being charged with blasphemy. The charges brought against her were overturned in October of 2018; however, this case clearly illustrates that the accusation of blasphemy alone can have life-threatening consequences. Even with the ruling in favour of Bibi, Pakistan remains a predominantly Muslim country and this has significant implications for Christians and foreign organizations supplying aid in the country.  

Man holding head

The political unrest in Pakistan has resulted in many foreign missions organizations, along with their leaders and programs, to leave for safety and security reasons. Partners International is in a unique position as we partner with ChrisFon, a local ministry in Pakistan meeting the needs of both rural and urban communities. ChrisFon is committed to caring for Muslim converts and Christians who are persecuted and marginalized. The ministry works to meet physical needs and provide counselling, discipleship, and legal advice for transitioning Christians being persecuted.

The following story a glimpse of ChrisFon’s influence among the people of Pakistan: 

Some time ago, two brothers came to invite me back into the Islam religion. They were both from the same sect of Islam I was from. We had a good discussion and they left with many questions. They talked to their Shia scholar about our meeting. They called me a number of times and wanted to see me, but I couldn’t. One day while I was away from home they came to my house with their wives without making an appointment. My wife was frightened when she called and told me over the phone that they had arrived. I told her to serve them tea while I headed home to meet them. I encouraged her to have peace in heart because Jesus is with us.

We ended up having a great meeting. It lasted for about three hours. God moved miraculously during those three hours and the discussion was life-changing. These people, who at first tried to convert me back, were convinced and concluded that the Bible cannot be false. They believed that Jesus is the only Saviour of the World. For one year my wife and I taught these couples about the Bible. Eventually, all four of them were baptized. After that, we all faced very difficult times and as a result, I had to relocate. It has been quite a while since I have heard from them. I pray that they are safe and in the care of the Saviour.


You can make a difference by supporting persecuted Christians in Pakistan because of their welfare matters. As the body of Christ, if one part of the body suffers, we all suffer (1 Cor 12:26). Donate today by clicking here.