According to official reports, the number of people with HIV/AIDS in China is approximately 780,000. While most believe this estimate to be far too low, no one knows for sure the accurate infection rate.

Specifically in the Northwestern region of China the infection rate of HIV/AIDS is growing at a rapid rate.
Many extremely poor migrant workers call this area home and are forced to live in areas called “city villages,” essentially slums, where housing is more affordable. These migrant workers are at high risk of infection.ribbon_v2

Ribbon provides care for the disadvantaged and marginalized of Northwestern China, with a special focus on HIV/AIDS patients and migrant workers.

They have also mobilized more than 400 volunteers toward HIV care and outreach.

Ribbon is the only Chinese-led NGO with approval from the government to serve the HIV community and has received widespread recognition by the government and media for its work.

Holistic Approach

Ribbon meets the needs of the community in a variety of ways including:

  • Christian Witness
  • HIV Testing & Medical Care
  • Counseling
  • Training for Migrant Workers
  • Mobilizing Volunteers
  • Community Education & Awareness Campaigns

Incredible Impact

Despite a lack of full time workers, need for more resources, and ongoing persecution that goes with the stigma of working with HIV/AIDS patients, Ribbon successfully continues to deliver services and help to the oppressed and the marginalized.

In the last year because of Ribbon Ministry:

  • 3133 people were tested through their facilities
  • 83 of those individuals were diagnosed as HIV+
  • 358 patients are seen regularly
  • 400+ Volunteers

You Can Make a Difference!

Have you been inspired by the work that Ribbon Ministry is doing to care for AIDS victims? Wondering how you can get involved? You can empower Ribbon Ministry with your support by giving, or by joining the campaign online, spreading awareness about this often forgotten region of China.

or Share the Campaign

Ribbon volunteers leading a community awareness campaign
Ribbon volunteers leading a community awareness campaign








  • 傳福音
  • 艾滋病測試和醫療關顧
  • 輔導
  • 農民工培訓
  • 志願者推動
  • 社區教育和宣傳




  • 透過事工,有3133個高危人士得到測試
  • 83人被檢測出感染HIV
  • 358個患者被定期關懷
  • 有超過400個志願者加入