Back to School

Give a gift of education today!

With a gift of education, you forever alter a child’s life trajectory and access the future they deserve.

Our commitment to education extends beyond scholarships. We invest in nurturing Christian educators within our schools and infusing Christian values into the curriculum. We also have open invitations for families and their children to join church services, VBS programs, and our youth camps.

Countless bright and eager minds dream of going to school but lack the means. The heartache of unrealized potential weighs heavy, inciting us to respond. 

Here’s what your donations helps achieve.
$37 – Provides a backpack full of school supplies and hygiene products
$65 – Supplies tutoring for students whose parents lack literacy
$175 – Offers a full year of school fees and a uniform for one student

A recurring monthly donation will do even more. Every gift makes a profound difference!