

The Beauty of Partnership


By: Erwin van Laar, Director of Development I love the stories that are within this newsletter – they never cease to strengthen my belief that...

Hope After Disaster: An Update on Nepal


By Luke McKee – Communications Coordinator ON July 14th I journeyed to Nepal to visit our ministry partner, Good Friends of Nepal. I was visit...

Share Your Story


Fundraising for 10 Projects in 10 Countries in 10 Years Bob Wood, President of Foundation Distributing Inc. FOUNDATION distributing’s relationship...

Haiti: Connecting Children with Sponsors


By Wendy Thiessen, Project Development – Haiti Christian Schools IN July of this summer a team of 6 of us made the journey to an island off Ha...

An Inspiration to Many: Our Partnership in Bolivia


By Sandra Heemskerk, Marketing Coordinator HAVE you ever met someone that you immediately want the world to know? I actually have felt that multiple...